This BRAND NEW Tesla Phone From Elon Musk Destroys Competition

Elon Musk just released a Tesla phone which is much better than the market leader Apple whether it’s an EV car or a phone Musk and apple are in constant rivalry between the two market leaders Surprise after surprise Battle for supremacy What new features in the world Should come

With this time and will it dominate mobile industry and become a necessity as soon as we solve people join us crazy brand new tesla phone which has destroyed all competition new tesla phone elon musk ideas and goals unimaginable Are creative than.

Ambitious genius minds always amaze us with their sophistication whether technological progress is The Boring Company or Neurolink and he knows Musk is back with another innovation after making an EV vehicle and manned landing on Mars and this time he intends to change that.

The smartphone market is all set to release Musk alone the revolutionary smartphone that will oust everyone else from the market The iPhone now that it is available to the public has far better options people are bound to move.

This new phone is finally a tesla and no one can expect it to be just one phone the phone has some cool new features the world has never seen introduced connect the human brain directly to the phone will also have no SIM card, but it is not so there are still some other features.

Features of the new phone Imagine hand holding a bright yellow phone that suddenly turns black The threat of rain is still amazing A miracle only Elon Musk could do.

Tesla phone will be like this Tesla has always been very particular about the aesthetics of its cars and it applies the same to its Tesla Honor. No official statement has been made yet but according to sources it will eventually come with a special cover.

Layer that no other manufacturer has ever used This special layer gives an elegant and sleek look and feel Color in response to light in the other words for which it changes its color Climate change forecasters predict.

Incredible phone will challenge other smartphone rivals got a lot of hype when it first entered the market and proved to be a new game changer Tesla phone functionality and design include some of the most futuristic elements we have ever seen.

Metaverse or artificial intelligence Looks like they’re in one It’s also a science fiction movie Developed a surprising feature Actually make the world more sustainable But before that let’s see In addition to two terabytes of flash on the display of the new Tesla phone Estimated to have one in storage.

cpu which is at least a qualcomm snapdragon 898 will also have super amoled display this is nothing introduced before joining musk tesla automobile with new phone all the latest innovations in tesla vehicle gun essentially got all its customer demand connected my phone to every tesla In other words vehicle that you can control.

your tesla car is using your phone as a remote tesla has already built in application to perform standard auto functions such as locking and unlocking car management media playback and call the car this app will of course be the first on the phone Must be installed from

For easy access from the lock screen or if not, via external controls Already included in the operating system but you can use the app only if you Tesla users are following this amazing feature will be the phone’s camera According to reports it will include a.

Camera system and a powerful subscreen front camera that will be able to even clouds or the Milky Way galaxy to take great pictures of misty Python camera in Tesla’s latest phone Camera on this python Undoubtedly better than iPhone 14. According to rumors there will be one integrated in Python.

Front-facing camera mounting Long-term stability of performance Aesthetic appeal Performance Python is better than iPhone Musk features come to 14 Pro Far surpasses even the sharpest minds on the iPhone The smartphone industry will never be the same.

Date a brand from cars to phones is off when each and everything a The man owns Tesla and on one hand cares for the environment by providing unique products why not even put solar panels on his phone.

Solar panels Musk has always been a strong advocate for a sustainable While the environment they have decided to add solar panels to the new Tesla phone Everyone is bragging about making the world is at the end of sustainable musk loved by some of the biggest brands.

Apple and Tesla have consistently voiced their support for moving the entire world toward renewable energy sources Elon Musk has a great concept, even as the industry titans have turned 70 percent.

Musk plans to completely remove the idea of batteries and adapters from society. He came up with the idea of sustainability because the main threat comes from the environment carcinogenic.

Highest material used in making this charger will get direct solar to phone charging instead of plugging in result charger will call makes it eco friendly first phone powered by tesla phone Solar panel concept for the sight phone of connecting a solar panel
which has been introduced.

Although companies like apple have planned it before but haven’t executed it yet Musk can find a way to achieve it
Will Literally Crash the Internet and Revolutionize the Smartphone Industry too easy not to mention.

Musk to achieve this he is not already backed by Neurolink Starlink to make this vision a success But Apple needs to do a lot more Musk gets such a long planning process these guys call this phone a need they’ve already started adding.

Solar panel since their daily life it is renewable and it’s one time cost only all market giants have solar their roofs are paneled
Now the time is from homes to workplaces, this concept applies to us too smartphone Tesla has already said.

It will provide walls of strength as a result help customers more You can charge your phone at night or during a power outage
Neuralink also has a connection with Musk. This is another company with Neuralink planned to add this incredible phone.

Musk, who is focused on creating future brain-computer interfaces, is dedicated to creating technologies that can expand technological capabilities. Musk says that with the help of Neuralink, he will be able to add a feature to the phone, to which a smartphone can be connected.

Which can connect vessels in the human brain and now it looks like it is on its way to fulfill this mission through Tesla phone
soon become obsolete like him.

Changed the concept of vehicles with EVs The cars that want to replace the smartphone also think about the future Smartphones have Neuralink ,Neuralink will be the only interface to the brain.

Could Help Musk Execute Smoothly The Vision He Has For The New Tesla Phone How It Will Dominate The Mobile Industry The New Tesla Model Is Really The Way It Is Breaking And Will Definitely Destroy Everyone Competition is soon dominating the market.

There is no denying that Apple has a massive brand image with huge innovation potential but when Elon Musk comes into the market he makes sure to overcome it. This is what people in the automobile industry before Musk did. Used to talk about the name.

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